Ferris Wheel Film

I found this strip of film in an old art box of mine. Its an art box of 'mostly gone supplies.' There are broken pastel crayons, almost empty tubes of paint, short chunks of charcoal, and water color sets with the blue, yellow and red circle empty. But it smells great... the smell of possibilities and messy art projects. For some reason this strip of film was in with all the sad and broken bits of art supplies. I took the pictures in Santa Cruz when I was visiting a close friend who was going to school there. Both of us had justed started college at the time. Finding the old strip of film gave me a sad feeling of nostalgia for both adventures that were on the verge of being forgotten and for all those experiments conducted in dark rooms. Well, I can't really see myself having access to a darkroom anytime soon so I decided to experiment with the film on my computer. Fun!


Flapper Birds......


more bugs on blocks...