Crab Cage Photos

This photo was taken a while ago but I just recently decided to mess around with the colors. I have too much fun messing around with colors of photo's on the computer! I like the effect of these photos colored, except it reminds me a tad bit of a cover to a cheesy novel. Maybe about too lovers from Maine. The woman is fun-loving, and she owns a business that sells county kitsch to tourists. The man is dark and brooding with a sensitive side. Then, the two of them some how get separated and the man becomes a crab fisherman. Its a dangerous job, and he gets his leg amputated by a shark. In the mean time, the women marries somebody else, who she doesn't really love. Then, the two lovers meet again. There is turmoil (due to the marriage, and the mans self consciousness about his leg), but it is a romance novel, so in the end they are live happily ever after.

braille illustration #2


Braille Illustration #1