A Ghost Story

Here is a diorama/ conversation box that I made. The two people have conversation bubbles above their heads in the sky. In the back there is a wheel that is moved to change the words in the bubbles.

Here is the conversation that the two characters are having:
Ms: This graveyard isn't so spooky.
Mister: Wait till you hear my story. It was a dreary night when a friend of mine was at this exact grave.
Ms.: What was he doing here?
Mister: He likes to put flowers on abandoned graves so the ghosts feel less lonely.
Ms.:A strange fellow!
Mister: Just as he was about to leave a hand shot up from underneath the dirt and grabbed his ankle. He almost didn't get away.
Ms.: That's a bunch of hooey!
Mister: Its all true!
(at this point, a skeletal hand is pushed up from beneath the diorama.)
Both Ms. and Mister: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

The End.

Frank Conquers his Fear of Sharp-Toothed Animals


Animal Comic #4: The Owls Dilemma