Birds in Flight

I put these pictures on my flickr site ages ago and now they are finally here too. These pictures are from a ferry trip to Bainbridge I took with David and a friend. The island of Bainbridge doesn't excite me to much, but the ferry ride is amazing. It is only six dollars for round trip! On the way there there were children feeding the seagulls what looked to be french fries. The seagulls were in a hungry frenzy. They reminded me of my cats in the morning. They swooped down and I was able to get lots of close up photos. On the ride back we sat inside and my friend told me the most interesting story! It was a true story that involved a psychopath, a love triangle, and flirtations with the edge of madness. I wish I could tell the story, but I really think that he should write a book about his experience. I think it could become a best seller and I am sure Hollywood would be knocking at his door next. I can imagine it being shot like a modern day film noir.


Animal Comic # 8


Animal Comic # 7