Idaline Escapes From Inside The Bird

The Northwest is suffering through a horrendous heat wave right now. Nobody is happy because this cities air conditioner supply is scarce. I know this comment has probably been made a zillion times, but I really feel like the wicked which of the west. I am melting. Yesterday was the highest recorded temperature ever! 104 degrees! This high temperature took a dangerous turn for me.
It started off innocuous enough. My friend Ces and I were having a craft night while watching the DVD of the BBC version of Jane Austins 'Northanger Abbey' when the trouble started. Just as Catherine was about to have another one of her lecherous day dreams, there was a loud noise that came from the TV. The TV flashed and a circle of dark light flickered in the middle of the screen, while the rest of the screen went black. The room was filled with an eerie, whistling-hum emitting from the defective TV. I got up to turn it off, but alas! The power button was unresponsive. I pounded more and more ferociously on the disobedient power button when Ces hollered "Turn it off! It's smoking!" Indeed there was smoke curling up from the side of the television. Well that was enough to make me feel frantic. "I can't! It won't turn off" I squeaked with panic. My mind was muddled. It is the same feeling I get whenever I had to take a test at school. Even if I had studied all night, for the first few moments of staring at the test, my thoughts become a soggy mess. But it was a dire situation and I could not safely linger in my befuddlement. In a moment I collected my self and dashed to the outlet and pulled out the power chord. We were saved from a potentially explosive television! We weren't saved from the stench of burning plastic. Well, now we don't have a TV, which is really to bad. But at least I have a good story to go along with the hottest day in Seattle, EVER.

The Finkelstein Brothers are the Ringleaders of a Panda Bear Circus


Audrey and Lexie Perch Upon Their Yellow Birds