Found in Nature- Sketches

Here are some sketches I did recently of different curiosities found in nature.

Recently, I was in the car, merrily singing along to a Rolling Stones CD, when I came up with a new invention idea: The Steering Wheel Microphone.
Who doesn't like to sing in the car while driving? It is almost as satisfying as singing in the shower. Driving can be tedious and frustrating, but the experience can be transformed. Especially while speeding down the highway, with the wind in your hair while singing along to a favorite CD. But, singing while driving would feel far more epic with a tiny microphone hooked up to your steering wheel. While the driver bellows out renditions of their favorite music, their voice can be amplified as if they were on their own personal moving stage. The seemingly infinite wait that traffic jams seem to create would be whittle away in no time if the wait was spent singing.

Whale Diorama: Flowers and a Shell


Braille Illustration # 28