Evelyn Wonders Why Ghosts Appear Every Time She Plays Her Favorite Records

Luckily, Evelyn does not share the prevalent fear of spooks. Even if ghosts don't send her into fits of terror, they do make her a bit uneasy. She wonders if she needs to develop a more modern appreciation of music in order to stave of the ghosts. She would prefer to keep her music tastes as they are. If she can summon the courage, she will try to befriend the wispy intruders.

I just finished watching the last episode of an amazing TV show: Pushing Daisies. It is about a pie maker who has the ability to bring dead things back to life. He uses his ability to solve mysteries. Because of the focus on the music, costumes, dialogue and set, the show is just lovely to watch. It feels like a combination between Amelie, a Wes Anderson movie and watching a play at the local theater. Pushing Daisies is certainly a new favorite TV show along with Twilight Zone and Lost.

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Marybeth and Rufus Feel Apprehensive About Their Hasty Elopement