First Meeting of the Sharp Shooters

My friend Ces and I are very skilled at starting clubs. We started 'Dirty Needles,' our art and craft club and 'Marauders Fantasy and Sci-Fi Book Club.' Now we've started a new one: Sharp Shooters. It is a photography club. We go on outings to aesthetically beautiful or interesting places and take pictures. Our first meeting was at Golden Gardens.
I walked from my bus stop to golden gardens which ended up being a rather long walk. But on the way I met a guy on a bike who wanted to show me a picture of his. Unfortunately, the glare from the sun was so bad I could not see it. But he described the picture to be of the fake pyramid in Las Vegas with an Orb like light over it. He was very bashful about it, but he thought it might be pictures of aliens or UFO's. Neat! I wish I had been able to see the photo.


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