Harriet Feels Apprehensive About the Lack of Water in Her Whale Village

Harriet has lived in the Whale Village her whole life. The village was once abundant with water, but lately, the water supply has been rather baron. Harriet had planned to spend her whole life in the whale village. But now, she has decided she must go on a quest to find more water in order to keep the village alive. She feels forlorn and nervous about her upcoming journey.

I recently watched the movie 'Orphans of the Storm.'

Its a silent film staring Lillian and Dorthy Gish. The movie is about the French Revolution! I love watching silent films for many reasons: The olden-day fashion, jaunty music, insights into the past and over exaggerated acting that is needed for a movie with no heard dialogue. It is really fun watching the overemphasized movements and expressions of the actors in this film. It is definitely a different sort of acting that is employed today.

I found this part of a Palm print on one of the shots.

I like this because it is evidence of an unknown persons existence in an unexpected place. It is probably the palm print of someone who worked on the film. They never knew that almost a hundred years later, strangers would see a flash of their Palm print while watching the movie they worked on.

Jonah Did Not Realize How Difficult it would be to Quell his Pet Sea Monsters Irresitable Urge to Return to the Sea


goat, brain, leaf, moon