Around the Docks...

I work on boats and I am always seeing all sorts of interesting things (strange boats, baby seals, river and ocean otters, beautiful jellyfish, baby ducklings, strange machinery...and really, a lot more.) I constantly wish I had a camera with me. I don't want to take mine, because I love it! And I don't want it to be ruined by rain (which is how I've ruined a cell phone) or by me accidentally dropping it into the water. (I've lost THREE portable CD players this way! All three of them had discs from audio books that I checked out from the library too. I cringe to think of it still!) Luckily, my boyfriend David has an old digital camera that he never uses anymore. (he'd rather us my camera too.) So I have been taking his camera to work so I can capture some of the things I see.


Pearl Believes Traveling By Fish is Not Only Convenient, but Environmentally Friendly


A Parade of Small Illustrations