Caroline is Curious and a Bit Nervous About the Inhabitants of the Dinosaur House

Most people live in ordinary houses with corner's, so when the Dinosaur House was constructed, Caroline became intensely curious about the people who planned to move in. Caroline hoped she would see the people as they moved in, but one day the house appeared empty, and the next day, there was smoke coming from the strange chimney. Some how the new inhabitants had moved in unnoticed. Caroline is trying to muster up the courage to peek into the window, but she worries she does not have the bravery nor the grace to pull it off.

On Monday I took a walk to the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle. My intention was not to take a walk. I had a destination in mind: my friends birthday get-together at a Fremont pub. I was three hours late due to work, and when I finally arrived at the pub, my friend and her cohorts of punctual celebrators were gone. Her phone ran out of batteries too, so I was unable to discover where the party had moved too. So my outing inadvertently turned into a good, old fashioned walk. I use to take walks far more often when I lived in Arcata, and I miss them a bit, so it was actually pretty fun. On my way back, I walked past a park. There was the sound of children playing, and in the distance the sound of rumbling cars. The ordinary sounds were quickly overpowered by a loud blast of music. But I heard not just any music, but the wonderful song 'Singing in the Rain.' In the park, I noticed three women wearing rain boots, each of them with a colorful umbrella despite the noticeable lack of perspiration. The best part was that they were doing a choreographed dance! Sometimes I really love living in a city where strange things happen on just an ordinary walk!

Abram is Proud to be a Descendant of the Noble Ship People


Alice is Beginning to Regret that she Plucked a Flower from one of the Blossom Beasts