Olga and Orla start the 'Jolly Good All Deer-Girl Band'

Olga and Orla both felt strange from the beginning of their lives. In the medium sized town they lived in, there were not very many half-deer girls. Olga thought she was the only one who existed in the entire world which made her feel lonely rather than special. Orla had heard rumors about another half-deer girl in town, but she thought they probably were not true. When Olga and Orla noticed each other on the first day of high school in freshman English, they were delighted by the appearance of another deer girl! They became fast friends and their friendship was solidified when they found out they both played instruments. After much practicing, they officially formed a band: "Jolly Good All Deer-Girl Band." They want to tour the world playing music by the only all deer-girl band in existence.




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