Estella and Gideon Battle for Possession of the Giant Starfish

Estella and Gideon decided to spend their Saturday together at the seashore. They stretched out a picnic blanket and lounged on the shore. They read books and watched the sea and enjoyed the sound of waves lapping against a sandy shore. Later in the afternoon Estella and Gideon decided to take a walk along the beach. Both Estella and Gideon enjoy collecting sea shore artifacts. At home, they both have shell collections that they proudly display on shelves. Everything was quite civil until they both saw the giant starfish. They both grabbed one of his legs, insisting on bringing the starfish home to add to their personal collection. Neither person budged and a tug-a-war style battle ensued.


Edmonds Photos, or: A Dreary Day in a Cheerful Place


Joseph and Dolores Present the Miniature Singer on the Beetle Stage