The Mushroom Theater Presents Eliza and her Dancing Furry Friend

When Eliza and her furry friend first met, they had instant artistic chemistry. They shared the same appreciation for fungi, love of the absurd, and eagerness to dance. Many of their performances are completely improvisational. But they still seem effortless. It is almost as if they can read each others mind. In truth, Eliza and her rodent companion can read each others mind. After discovering this strange anomaly, they discussed what to do with their talent. The options were 1. Move to separate cities and never speak to each other again. It is dangerous living in the same town as someone who can read your mind. 2. Start some sort of magic show involving mind reading. They were both intrigued by this option but it seemed too hokey to them. or 3. Start an improvisational dance theater. This was obviously the best option. They both loved to dance and they loved the thrill of being on stage. So they started the Mushroom Theater. Once in a while they get it tiffs using ESP, which is a lot more exhausting than normal disputes. But for the most part, their endeavor has been a success.


Joseph and Dolores Present the Miniature Singer on the Beetle Stage


Vernon and Andrea Find a Strange Insect