Whale 'Curiosity Specimen' Diorama

I made a couple of these animal dioramas a while ago, but I was still working out the kinks of construction. Now instead of using foam board, I'm using an actual wooden board. It makes so much more since and it doesn't bow. I got the board at home depot and then I have to saw it into small pieces in my craft room. The sawing part is actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be. And my craft room smells sweetly of cut wood. I live near a home depot now, and those stores are great for roaming. I start at the nursery where I look at all the plants and then work toward the wood section. D and I went together, and while I looked for art project inspiration he looked for geocache inspiration. There are so many possibilities for projects! Also, everyone there has their mind occupied with their own project. I like to guess what people are going to make.

I have a friend whose room was described as a cross between granny decor and a natural history museum. It was the best room full of seashells and quilts and sunshine. I think the description unconsciously inspired a bit with these dioramas. I've got the granny aspect of fabric and the natural history aspect of the sea urchin specimen.

Sharp Shooters Meeting Ten: Japanese Gardens


A Winter Stroll Around Greenlake