Althea attends the Bat Funeral

When Althea moved to the forest, she thought it was a very lonely place. There were birds and bears and deer, but they all lived lives Althea could not understand. It wasn't until Althea explored the forest caves that she found a creature that she could really relate to. The bat, with it's thin veiny wings and its strange little face made sense to Althea. While most of the animals seem to belong to the world, the bat doesn't belong fully anywhere. They fly like the bird, but they have no feathers or beaks. They grow fur like a mammal, but mammals traverse the sea or the ground not the sky. Althea, who grew up in the city but knew she never belonged there feels like she can almost understand what it must feel like to be a bat.


Selma Unleashes an Entity from the Gramophone


Pizza Time!