The Day I Went to Georgetown and Watched the Rain make Everything Shine

I was standing in the middle of a play field in Georgetown holding my favorite yellow umbrella while all around me the rain was falling, and above me a small plane was swooping toward the ground, and to my side a train was chug-chuga-chugging. I have two other umbrellas besides the yellow one and I use to have a fourth. I found the long-lost fourth umbrella at a thrift store. It was red with people drawn in anime style wearing 1960's clothing. It was a small umbrella. I think it was meant for children. One day I lost it on my walk to class. I lived in a town that rained constantly but at that moment it was dry so the umbrella was in my bag. It must have tumbled out, because at while confined to the indoors of the classroom, I noticed it was gone. I was pretty sad, because it was such an unusual umbrella. I'm always drawn to novelties and to strange trinkets of the past. On my walk home after class it was raining. But I didn't have far to walk. In this rainy town I use to live in, there also lived a homeless man who had two dogs and he practically owned one wet and rainy street corner. Rumor had it that another homeless man tried to pan handle on his corner and the man with the two dogs fought him. It was hard to imagine this man fighting. He had a kind round face and a friendly wave for everyone that passed him by. He was a big man who always wore a tan trench coat. He had messy blonde hair and a fluffy beard. Well, on my walk home I saw this man daintily holding my little red umbrella as the rain fell around him.

Georgetown is one of the neighborhoods in Seattle that I haven't spent much time in. But there is something really great about Georgetown. It feels like it's own world. If I was going to film a movie, I would want to set it in Georgetown. A long time ago I went to Georgetown to watch a friend's, friend's band. After the show we were walking down the empty streets back to our car. We passed a three story brick building whose top floor had all it's windows open and all it's lights on. The top floor wasn't separated into different rooms, it was all one big room. It was the type of room that would be a thrill to rollerskate in. From where I was on the ground I could see a giant sculpture hanging from the ceiling. It was a giant aqua mermaid/sea serpent. The way I remember it, the sculpture took up the entire span of the ceiling from one side of the room to the next. It was so strange. It was like a dream.

Shoes and Knees and Fingertips


Selma Unleashes an Entity from the Gramophone