Thora Finds a Baby Tree Monster

Thora has heard the legends of the tree monsters. Supposedly they are great creatures made of leaves and bark that wonder through the local woods. When they see a human, they quickly freeze and close their eyes. The human passing bye does not even notice the monster. Instead the human assumes she is just passing by a normal tree. Thora always believed that they were real. But many of her friends and family contradicted her belief with their own assertions that the creatures are myth. Imagine Thora's surprise and excitement when she finds a baby tree monster. The little monster looks so sweet that she must pick it up and cuddle with it. Thora has no idea that the mother is near bye, blending into the woods, but carefully and a bit nervously watching her child's interaction with the strange human creature.


The First Warm Day of Spring.


Sharp Shooters Meeting Ten: Japanese Gardens