Flora Specimens of the Backyard Variety.

I've been using various pressed plants in my art. To keep my supply of pressed flowers full, I've been picking lots of flowers in my backyard to press under stacks of my heaviest books.  Now that the weather is  warm, the plants change so frequently. A couple of weeks ago I noticed lots of azaleas. But the azaleas are almost all gone and now I noticed a new unknown flower. With a bit of internet investigation I discovered it was a fox glove. Also, today I found a four leaf clover. Good luck for me!!!  Here are some plants and flowers I picked a couple of weeks ago.

  The other day I was listening to the radio on my drive to work and the topic of discussion was dinosaurs, always an interesting topic in my book! A dinosaur expert was being interviewed and he says that the T-Rex may have been covered with colorful feathers rather than scales. I also heard a long time ago that the T-Rex may not have been the fierce predator as it is often described as. I heard that because of the way it's body is shaped (little arms up top) it would have a hard time battling other dinosaurs. Instead it may have been more of a scavenger then a predator. So basically, the T-rex may have been a completely different animal than we think. Imagine a giant T-Rex with colorful feathers and sharp glistening teeth trotting through the forest in search of decaying carcass's to feast upon. Still an unnerving animal but not quite as frightening. Of course the T-Rex may have been exactly the way we always imagined. But if it is indeed a different beast, it will not be the first time a dinosaur myth has been dispelled. The Brontosaurus use to be my favorite dinosaur, but it turns out it doesn't even exist! The Brontosaurus is actually a mishmash of other dinosaurs. When the bones of the Brontosaurus were constructed into a dino,  the body was mostly made of an Aptosaurus and the head was a Camarasaurus. (dino info found here) Viola! The Brontosaurus was brought into existence.

Vada and the House Fox Sulk Underneath a Tree


Hattie and Madeline Admire the Chain of Moths