Say Cheese Festival!

A month or so ago, Ces and I went to the Seattle Cheese Festival! Cheese makers all converge to the front of Pikes Place Market and offer free bits of cheese. As Ces said, it is the first festival of the sunny season in Seattle. Although I use the phrase 'sunny season' loosely, as it is currently gray and cloudy.

Another hint that warm weather was near are these little fellows:

Every year as it begins to warm up I see a parade of ants on the sidewalk. They are like petite harbingers of good days to come out in the sun.
Some times it was hard to navigate through the cheese festival because it was so crowded. In order to successfully get to the cheese counters, one had to employ gusto and a certain amount of assertiveness. Actually, people should go to festivals like this for assertiveness training courses. And although sometimes the crowds made my cheese consumption more difficult, I was happy to have such ample people watching opportunities!

At one point, Ces and I needed a relief from the crowds, so we walked to the shops closer to the waterfront. Ces has a great love for chocolate covered figs that are sold at a Spanish foods specialties shop. We each bought one. Tasty!

The flowers at the market are always lovely. Which reminds me of an idea I had for a business while picking plants for a bouquet in my yard. Many people enjoy going to the country to berry farms to pick there very own blueberries and strawberries. But what about flowers! I think some one should set up a green house full of flowers (preferably in the city) where flower lovers can go to pick there very own bouquets. And to receive a hand picked bouquet would be even more romantic.

Overall, it was a very colorful and delicious day!




Dora Presents the Squirrel Theater