A Glimpse into Prehistoric Times

  In the era of the dinosaur their were dragonflies with a wingspan of two and a half feet! Sometimes I'll see large dragonflies zipping about that look as big as a humming bird, but two and a half feet! That's more like a seagull sized dragonfly. Often when people bemoan the loss of prehistoric animals, they have the mighty dinosaur in mind. But when I went to the natural history museum in D.C., it was the prehistoric mammals that were really interesting! Although I do have a great love of dinosaurs, they are more iconic and therefore recognizable to a point where they seem normal. But there are far less books and posters and t shirts featureing prehistoic mammals, so I am less familiar with their forms. When I do see images of prehistoric mammals, they look strange and amazing.
But my love of the dinosaur will never wane! Despite the ferocity and monstrous reputation of the dinosaur, there is something kind of cute about many of them. Including the debunked brontosaurus. This diorama I made features a brontosaurus with one of those dragonflies with a two an a half wingspan.
   I learned from this website that there were all sorts of large insects in prehistoric times. This is because there was more oxygen in the air back then. Lot's of oxygen help insects grow large!

Ahoy, Lonely Sailors!


The Shape Shifter