Ruby, Sherwood, and Sylvan Leaf Person.

I made a new batch of leaf people. Their heads are made from real pressed autumn leaves. I painted their faces with acrylic paint.

Here is Ruby.

Ruby grew up in an old tree with a thick trunk and withered bark. She spent her early Autumn rustling in the wind. Life was like a constant dance party as she rustled and jived with the leaves around her. When she fell from the comfort of her tree, she felt both sad and excited. She drifted toward the ground and landed on the mud soaked earth. It was the first time she had felt earth beneath her. She did not like the disconcerting solidness of the ground. She misses the wind beneath her toes. She is constantly haunted by her nostalgia for life as a young leaf in the tree. As an adult leaf, she spends much time alone. She likes to read Victorian ghost stories or paint landscapes using dreary grays and muted blues.

Here is Sherwood.

Everyday for breakfast Sherwood has a pumpkin muffin and a mug of orange spice tea. While nibbling on his muffin and sipping on his tea, he enjoys the morning crossword. When he is done with breakfast, he likes to take long walks in the woods where he listens to the birds chirp and the insects buzz. He often looks for the tree he grew up in, but he can never find it. He heard a rumor that the tree was cut down by flannel clad lumber jacks with wooly beards and axes slung over their hefty shoulders. The notion of his tree being just a stump makes Sherwood feel disconnected and wistful. He hopes that one day he will find one of the leaves he grew up with. Maybe together they will find the long lost tree.

Here is Sylvan.

Sylvan is a widower who now lives alone in a woodland cabin. He still misses his wife and talks to her as if she were still alive and by his side. He looks out his window and see's a deer frolic by, and he instinctively reaches for his wives hands, in order to show her the graceful creature. But all he grasps is cold air. But he still tells her of the deer, just as if she were there by his side. In his spare time he plays the banjo. He makes up songs about his beloved wife and about all the things he meant to do in life but for whatever reason, never did.

An Alley Way in Fremont and Two Incidents of Mind Reading


Things I've Seen Lately.