Introducing Horatio, Scarlet, and Sebastian.

Introducing... more leaf people!

Here is Horatio.

Horatio spends all of his time on mountain tops making up songs on his guitar. He writes songs about his long lost loves and about his adventures on the sea when he was a sailor, and a younger leaf man. Leaf people are more susceptible to the dangers of a great gust of wind than most people, so sailing at sea is an especially dangerous job for a gent like Horatio. After spending so much time at sea he decided he wanted to be far from the ocean and closer to the sky, so he moved to the mountains.

Here is Scarlet.

Scarlet lives on a rabbit farm where she raises Angora's. Her favorite thing in the world to do is knit and crochet. She spins her own yarn from the fur of her pet Angoras. She makes the softest sweaters and blankets. When she is not working on her yarn projects, she likes to host tea parties. She makes fresh baked scones and serves cinnamon tea, which is her favorite.

Here is Sebastian.

Sebastian is a very curious young fellow and he likes to satiate his curiosity with stacks of books. His favorite outing is to the library where he checks out books on many subjects but his favorite books are botanical books. He especially likes to read about plants from far corners of the world. Sebastian has never had the chance to travel himself and wants to learn about how plants in other countries live.

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Black Cats and Pumpkins.