Things to do in Seattle

Here are some things to do in downtown Seattle when you are by yourself and have a couple of hours to kill.
*Enjoy a delicious Piroshky. There are two places in downtown Seattle that serve Piroshky's: Piroshky Piroshky by the market and Piroshky's on Third. I went to the latter on the particular day that I took these photo's.
*Walk along the waterfront and take pictures of strangers and birds and buildings. Also, take pictures of the sky, because clouds are not the only thing that are up there.
*Go to the Library and wander through the aisles in search of something interesting to read or look at. Also, go to the magazine collection and read magazines you are too cheap to actually buy.
*Go to Seattle Antiques Market on the waterfront. It is large and fun to explore. There is an old gramophone and a startled looking taxidermied goats head. There's a collection of dainty teacups and globes of the world even though the world's boundaries have changed sense the hay-day of these globes. But my favorite thing to look at in the Antique Market is a pale yellow dresser. It looks ordinary but within each drawer are a slew of black and white photo's of other peoples families from years before I was born.


Through the Woods and to the Salty Shore


Curious Curiosities.