Felix, Viola and Leander Leaf Person

Here are three more leaf people: Felix, Viola and Leander

Here is Felix.
Felix is an avid bird watcher. His favorite bird is the red winged black bird. He thinks they are the perfect combination of simple and flashy. It is common to see Felix with his face toward the sky, whistling at a nearby bird in an admirable intimation of the bird's own song.

Here is Viola.
Viola love's steamy cups of tea sweetened with heaping spoonfuls of honey. Her love for honey inspired her to try her hand at bee keeping. It started as an idle hobby, but it soon was obvious that Viola had a knack for bee keeping. She thinks of all her bee's as her little friends. She sings songs to them as they buzz around her.

Here is Leander.
Leander has a love for travel. He has been to one hundred different countries and hopes to eventually travel to all the countries of the world. Wherever he goes he takes pictures of the people and the landscapes and the monuments. The more places he travels, the more amazing he thinks the world is.


Fauna, Flora, and Natural Specimen Sketchbook Pt. 3


Martha is Concerned About the Tree Monster Lurking Behind Her