Pictures of My Family From a Long Time Ago

I love seeing pictures of my family before I knew them.

Here is a picture of my mom and my dad when they were young. They are with their dog, Wind. I like this picture because it looks like they are posing for the cover of a folk album. Really they were just having fun exploring nature!

Here is my dad when he was a round faced baby with my grandma with her stylish 1940's hairdo. My grandma is a talented seamstress and use to sew her own clothes when she was young. I wish I still had some of the clothes she made. My grandma is quite petite so I don't think they would fit me, but it would be fun to see some of her hand sewn creations from the 1940's.


Becoming an Old Maid Vs. Running Away to Join the Circus.


The Great Seattle Snow Stom of 2012