Etta and Rosalie Muster Up The Strength Needed to Hold Up The Sea

Etta and Rosalie live in a small house in the middle of the woods. They live in the house with their two other sisters, Ava and Selma. The sisters have a very important job to do. They must hold up the sea! Inside their small house is one room devoted to the sea. When entering the room, one must not make too much commotion. If a person in the room moves to quickly or talks to loudly, it disrupts the sea, creating large waves and wrecking havoc. The sisters take shifts holding the sea in place, so when Ava and Selma sleep, Etta and Rosalie hold the sea up. From their vantage point, they watch the waves lap, the ships sail and the whales and porpoises rise to the surface to take great gulps of air.

The Leafy Hot Air Balloon Soars Above the Woods


Gwendolyn Lives in a World Where Moths are the Size of Planes