Flappers and Philosophers

   I got the title for this post from a F. Scott Fitzgerald book of short stories. My favorite story in the collection is 'Ice Palace.'  Here are some flapper inspired illustrations.

   Bonnie is an amateur naturalist who has a special love for insects. Despite her parents demands that she stays at home where she must learn to become a proper lady, she is leaving the country. She is going to the jungles of South America to search underneath rocks and in the crevices of tree bark to find a yet undiscovered type of insect.

   Adella spends most of the day sleeping because in the evening she works as a jazz singer. She sings in smoke filled bars and lounges with the accompaniment of a piano player. The piano player is secretly in love with Adella and even though his skills could lead him to greater success, he chooses to stay in the club scene in order to remain near Adella. Now he just needs to muster up the courage to tell Adella.

  Greta works at a plant nursery where she tends to all the dying plants. She has a green thumb that seems to stem partially from instict and partially from magic. Limp and brown plants turn green again within hours of Greta's care.

   Minnie lives in the California Valley on a peach farm. She spends her evenings picking peaches and trading gossip with the other peach pickers. During her days she sells the peaches at a road side stand.Whenever she meets a particularly nice peach stand patron, she gives them her secret peach pie recipe. Minnie firmly believes that they pie has the power to create good luck.

    Ava is a librarian working at a country library. The library has ten feet all windows that let the sun pour, warming up the library. When Ava is not 'shhhing' overly talkative library patrons, she is reading another book. When the library closes, she stays inside for another hour or so. She writes anonymous love letters to people she's never met and leaves them in random books.

Views from the Window, Part Two


Lottie Leaves the Desert Kingdom