Samantha and Her Animal Caravan are the Guardians of The Desert

    Samantha lives in a vast desert landscape where communities of inhabitants are far and few between. The desert has a few oasis's scattered here and there. It is at these oasis's that life congregates. Communities of dusty faced, dry handed people build their homes around the sparse water sources and make a life for themselves. But the desert land between the villages is inhabited by surly and cruel criminals. These criminals hide in the desert, which provides the perfect cloak because of its harsh environment and vast emptiness. But the criminals sometimes grow restless and wreak havoc on the peaceful oasis communities.
    Samantha has lived in the desert her entire life. She grew up with her merchant father, and together the two of them traveled from village to village selling goods. Her childhood experience has garnered her great knowledge of the desert. She feels protective of the land she traveled as a child. So now that she is grown, she travels with her caravan of animals, protecting the land she loves. She looks small and dainty, but she is tougher than she appears. And with the help of her giant snake, dinosaur and sweet dog, she is able to defeat most every criminal.


Millicent and Oriel Bring Presents to the Mournful Monster


Animal and Plant Paintings, Part Two