Summer Walks and Lunar Castaways.

   Here are a group of pictures from a couple of different summer walks. Summer walks in the evening are always pretty because the lighting. I like when the light stretches out shadows as the sun sets. And the time between light and complete sunset always last longer, so instead of dark there is a comforting dark blue glow well into the nine o' clock hour. One of the treats of living so far North is that at certain times in the summer it is still light out at ten pm! But I always dread the Winters when the sun starts to set at four.

Long Shadows

Quiet Streets.

Poor Crow Did Not Live Past Summer.
    When I took a picture of this crow, all his crow companions started a frenzy of loud crow caws. They swooped over my head and I could hear the mighty rustle of their black feathers. I took only one picture and politely moved along.

best thing I ever
  I found this on the ground during my walk. it says 'best thing i ever'. Best thing I ever... what? It is an incomplete thought that inspires curiosity because 'best' is not a word to use willy-nilly.

Pointing Past the Sky

The Street at Night is Empty

A Walk Past Over Grown Patches of Weeds.

   Last night I watched a really interesting Korean movie called "Castaway on the Moon." I watched it begrudgingly at my boyfriends insistence. My relationship with foreign movies is that I rarely want to watch them but when I do I am usually quiet happy that I did. This is because I normally like to work on art or craft projects while watching movies or TV. But foreign films command my full attention due to the subtitles. I was definitely glad that I watched 'Castaway on the Moon.' It was an odd and charming film (a favorite mixture of mine.) The movie is about a suicidal man and a reclusive woman (maybe suffering from agoraphobia) forging a strange relationship in very unusual circumstances. It reminded me a bit of one of my all time favorite movies, 'Harold and Maude.' In 'Harold and Maude', Harold benefits more from the relationship with Maude. He is the one who has detached him self from fully connecting with society and regains a certain amount of faith in humanity again through his connection with Maude. In 'Castaway on the Moon," both characters do not relate with society and have chosen to isolate themselves. They both help to redeem the world in each others eyes. Before watching the movie I only knew that it was a quirky love story. I don't want to give too much away in description of the movie because I appreciated the process of watching the movie and figuring out what it was about as I watched. But I definitely recommend it!

Gasworks and Agatha Christie


Fox Dreams