Princess Lavinia and Stuart Escape The Mad Kingdom In The Guise Of A Fowl

   Here is a new illustration I completed recently. It is 15 by 20 inches and was painted with gouache.

   Princess Lavinia lived under the tyranny of her mad uncle King Hendrick. King Hendrick use to preside over a merry kingdom full of happy folks. But he slowly descended into madness because of a curse by the hired witch of a neighboring king.  Instead of serving the people, King Hendrick served ghouls and goblins and practitioners of black magic. These sinister entities use to be banished to the woods outside the palace walls. But as the mad curse slowly took over the kings mind, he began inviting them to participate in palace life. Many of the human inhabitants of the kingdom fled as the influx of evil presences became apparent. The few humans left lived in fear and spend most of their time hiding in nooks and crannies, and in the shadows where they hope not be spotted. Princess Lavinia tried to speak reasonably to her uncle, but he became infuriated with even a suggestion that he was not wholly in command of his mind. Lavinia's own father and mother died when she was just an infant, so King Hendrick is the only parent she has ever known. She heard from the kindly palace mechanic, Stuart, that living deep within the magical forest lives a wise woman who may be able to break the curse and restore order to the kingdom. One just needs to follow the river into the middle of the forest to where the woman lives.  Lavinia could no longer watch the kingdom and the uncle she loves deteriorate. She decided she must find this wise woman! Stuart is just as devastated by the fall of the kingdom he has always loved and served. He offered his allegiance to Lavinia, and modestly boasts that his mechanic skills may come in handy.
   Escaping the palace was the most difficult task, because the evil specters loomed around the all the entrances and exits. But together, Lavinia and Stuart worked out a plan. For the following couple of months, Lavinia would go about living life as if nothing had changed as to not raise any suspicions. In the cloak of night, Stuart would begin working on his mechanical masterpiece.... a mechanic fowl submarine that would be designed to safely take Lavinia and Stuart down the river to the wise woman's house. After Stuart was done with his masterpiece, Lavinia and Stuart got inside the bird and escaped the wretched palace in search of the wise woman who may help them change the fate of King Hendrick and his suffering kingdom.

Accordion Songs


Gasworks and Agatha Christie