The Sky Shimmers With The Muffled Chatter of the Stars and the Tumbling Thoughts of a Pensive Moon

  Here is an illustration I did for the Illustration Friday theme for this week which is 'Sky.'

    In the night sky the stars merrily chat while sharing a pot of tea. They watch the galaxy swirl and explode around them. The stars like to imagine what stars are like in different parts of the universe, thousands of light years away. Together they make up stories about what life is like in different corners of the universe. The moon is less social than the stars. He is an introvert who prefers empty spaces where he can pull out his book and read. He likes to imagine what the world is like in different places too, but he goes about exploring his curiosities in a different way. Instead of making stories up with friends, he reads as much as he can from books he gathers from all around the universe. He reads stories about people on earth and also stories about people from different planets far from earth.  When he falls asleep, he dreams about the characters in the books he reads. When the stars fall asleep, they dream about the people they make up while sipping on tea together. 

Antigone Clover Merryweather


Reading with Sunshine on Your Face, Reading with the Sound of Rain Pattering Against the Window