I have been wanting a pair of blue sneakers for a while, ever since my mom sent me this:
Note my mom wrote. |
My startlingly accurate depiction of two blue shoes. |
So, as the letter says, my mom was imaging blue shoes hanging from a clothing line just as I was drawing a picture of blue shoes hanging from a clothing line. We have a blue shoe connection! This connection inspired my desire to have a pair of blue shoes. So when I was at the thrift store and found a pair, I felt extra lucky! I would have liked these even if I had not had my heart set on blue shoes. And to find something at the thrift store that I have actually been looking for is rare. I find all sorts of neat and interesting things at thrift stores, but if I go thrift store shopping with something in mind I do not usually find it. Here are my blue shoes:
The shoelaces I got from an etsy shop called
greygirl707. I'm pretty sure this shop has lots more strawberry shoelaces. The strawberries could also pass as apples or tomatoes if you'd prefer.