Flowers and Other Delights

There are many things I am currently excited about:

The Return of Flowers-

   It is a treat to see all the blooming flowers and increased sunshine that accompany the return of spring. In Seattle, there are a lot of cherry trees and other types of trees that explode with pink or white flowers. All of the sneezing and constant sensation of tickling in my nose are worth it to see the beautiful blooms.

A Casual Snow Storm-

 I know it is odd to be excited about spring flowers and snow simultaneously,  but last Friday Seattle had a freak morning snow 'storm.' This Winter has been very calm where I live, and this was the most snow I've seen all year! What made this snow storm especially sweet is that by the end of the day it was sunny and warm. Since Friday it has been fairly warm too!

Asian Home Cooking-

(Row One: Indonesion curry, tofu yakisoba, sweet and sour tofu. Row Two: Tom yum soup, Thai yellow curry, terriyaki tofu. Row Three: Tikka Masala, Pad Thai, Vindaloo currey.)

   I've been making a lot of Asian dishes at home lately. They are not entirely from scratch because I get spice packets at the local Asian market. There are many Asian dishes I have wanted to make from scratch at home before, but after reading the ingredient list I became intimidated and never did so. These spice packs are a great compromise. I still get to make them at home with fresh ingredients and they taste delicious, but I don't have to scour the market for completely unfamiliar ingredients. I admire an adventurous cook, but for an amateur like me, simplicity is a treat. Some other dishes I made with these spice packs that are not pictured are laksa, tom ka soup, pineapple fried rice, chili ginger garlic stir fry, biryani rice, sambal stir fried noodles, Japanese Curry, kimchi soup, pho, and Thai green curry. My current favorites are tikka masala, pad thai, Laksa and Thai yellow curry. I am very enthusiastic about these spice packs because I think they are an easy way to eat healthy and delicious foods. So I recommend that everyone go to the Asian market near their home and check out the spice pack aisle. 

Good TV-

   I got season one of 'Homeland' and season three of 'Downton Abbey' at the same time from the library. I can definitely see what all the hype was about regarding 'Homeland.' I can't wait to see season two! Now on to 'Downton Abbey.'

Tea Time- 

I got two new tea mugs recently.

This inspired me to assess all the different types of tea I have in my house right now, and I have a lot!

  My favorites are raspberry black tea and orange spice black tea. I always like new tea recommendations too, so please share your favorite tea!


Three New Scarves


The Dancing World