Monsters and Hooligan Squirrels

(Little monsters on my fingers, abandoned shopping cart, a van as a budding graffiti artists canvas, tulip with a wacky eye.)

  I have watched two interesting documentaries recently. One is called 'The Impostor ' and was about a family whose son disappeared when he was thirteen. I don't want to tell too much about this one because it is more enjoyable to just let the plot unfold. It was very interesting. The other movie is called 'Beauty is Embarrassing' and was about the life and work of artist Wayne White. He reminded me a bit of a local artist in the town I used to live in. The artist's name is Duane Flatmo. The two artists have similar sensibilities and they are both goofy and interesting characters.

  In my front yard there is a very pretty cherry tree that is full of fluffy white flowers in the spring. But lately, whenever I look out side, there are two squirrels sitting in the tree and eating the flowers! Usually the mischievous antics of squirrels make me laugh, but they have gone to far when they start eating flowers! Here are some pictures of one of the culprits.


Close Examinations of Natural Specimens


Wanda Rides The Snail Toward Wild Wolf Forest