Spring and Summer Food

   Whenever Spring and Summer come around, I am far more enthusiastic about food! Not to say I am not enthusiastic about food during the colder seasons. I always love to eat. But it is exciting once Spring arrives and the fruits and vegetables come into season and are not horribly expensive. Here are some food that I have made and/or eaten recently.

  During a recent cabin trip to Whidbey with my friends, we had handmade pizza. I did not make the pizza, my friend Mike did. He is a pizza savant!

  The second day at the cabin we had tacos. We didn't really utilize springs ingredients much in the tacos but they were quite tasty.

  I love dolma's and sometimes I like to make them at home. These one's were modified from the dolma's I usually make because along with rice and herbs they also had lots of chopped vegetables in them. I was trying to sneak the vegetables into the dolmas to make them even healthier. They still tasted the same with less rice and added vegetables so this is something I will do again next time I make dolmas. I also made a falafel salad to go along with the dolmas but I just used a box to make the falafels.

  My favorite thing that I have made recently are spring rolls. I have been buying spring rolls from the fresh food section of the grocery store a lot lately, but they are four or five dollars for two of them. I figured I could make them myself for a lot cheaper. These spring rolls have avocado  red pepper, cucumber and either tofu or smoked salmon. Some of them also have thai basil, cilantro and/or green onion. I used two dipping sauces- a peanut sauce and a sweet chili sauce. I think hoison sauce would taste good with these also. Spring rolls are fairly easy to make, but more difficult to make look perfect. My spring rolls were a bit messy, but they tasted good. I made a bunch so they lasted several days too. Paired with a fruit salad, spring rolls are the perfect warm weather dinner.

   What is your favorite food to eat or make in Spring and Summer?

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