The Sisters of Winchester Orphanage Escape for a Day

 Here is another illustration I finished recently.

   June, Eartha, and Felicity are sisters who, after their parents tragic death, were left to be raised at the Winchester Orphanage. The caretaker's at the orphanage are not cruel, but they are dull. They don't realize that children need vibrancy to thrive. The three sister's dislike the orphanage and wish they could be raised in a family, but they know it is unlikely a family will want to adopt all three sisters. So whenever prospective parents come to view the orphans, the three sisters act rowdy and ill-mannered. They would rather stay in the orphanage together then be raised apart.
   Even though the orphanage is bleak, the three sisters love that the orphanage is right next to the ocean. They love falling asleep to the sound of the waves. Every morning they look out their window together and watch the waves lap onto the shore.
   One day, the oldest sister Felicity woke up especially early from a horrid nightmare. She sneaked out of bed and looked out the window. That is when she saw it!  There was a giant sea monster relaxing on the sandy shore. She woke up her sisters so they could see the wondrous creature. Even though they knew most would describe the strange beast as a 'sea monster', they felt confident that the creature was not monstrous at all. The creature look sweet and docile and as gentle as butterfly.
   But to the sisters delight, the sea monster was more then just gentle, he was also generous. He offered to take the girls to sea for one day so they could experience a pleasant day away from the orphanage. The sisters brought books and a picnic and hopped on the back of the friendly sea creature. The orphanage's dog, Spot came running after them to join them on their adventure. The sisters had the most wonderful day. They breathed in the sea air, watched the waves and befriended the sea animals. They knew nobody would believe this most unlikely of adventures, but they did not care because nothing could detract from the joy of the day.


Bessie and her Elephant Friend Mabel Water the Rooftop Garden


The Statue Man