Rocks, Shells and Other Treasures of the Seashore

   In October, David and I went to Vashon Island. This is a bit embarrassing because it shows my geographical ignorance of the area I live, but I didn't even know Vashon existed until recently! It is an island very conveniently located between Seattle and Tacoma. A lot of the other islands I have visited like Whidbey or San Juan or Guames require a drive to some other town to get to the ferry terminal. But Vashon has a direct ferry leaving right from Seattle! Hooray! It is a beautiful little island, surrounded by water (as logic would dictate) and covered with trees. I have many pictures to share but I am going to start with pictures of interesting objects I found while wondering on the shore. I love beachcombing! What is the most interesting thing you have found on the beach?

   For our Vashon trip, David and I stayed in a cabin on the beach. I could pop outside and wander along the coast collecting shells anytime I pleased. Which I did, on several occasions, even though we were only there for a weekend. One time after collecting shells, I came inside with them to more closely examine the interesting treasures. While looking at a big, hollow shell, a tiny hermit crab crawled out from the inside of it! He was an adorable little thing. As he stared up at me, he was probably wondering where the water was. I took him back outside to his wet, salty home. 

A Beach Kitty on Raccoon Island


Winter and Marybeth Leaf Person