Bainbridge Island Ferry Expedition

  In Seattle, when the sun comes out, it is important to take full advantage. A couple of weeks ago on a wonderfully sunny day, my friend Ces and I went on a ferry ride to Bainbridge. On all previous Bainbridge trips, the ferry ride was the highlight and the actual island was a bit dull. But this time, Ces and I had a blast on Bainbridge! Mainly because they have a new (maybe only to us)  free art museum that has really interesting art in it. I didn't take any pictures at the museum, because I never know what the rules are at museums. Often, I don't take pictures to avoid the possibility of being yelled at. It never feels like much of concession because most museums house the type of things you can find pictures of on the internet anyhow. 
  It was a very art infused Bainbridge trip, because while walking around town and along the waterfront, we saw a lot of public art. On Bainbridge, they have many giant frog statues. In Seattle, we have giant pig statues. I don't know how this giant animal statue trend started, but I like it. Bring on the giant animals!
  While walking along the waterfront, we found more art. I like the one of the rock man running away from the rock dinosaur (pictured below!). 
  It wasn't just an art themed trip, it was a 'quaint old-fashioned town' themed trip. We did several 'quaint' things. We went to a diner themed liked the 1950's. It was in a metal building that looked 1950's-futuristic. On the inside, I could easily imagine myself saddling up to the counter and ordering a chocolate soda. What really happened was that Ces and I sat at a booth and ordered modern day sandwiches. Mine was vegetarian with cream cheese and sprouts which seems decidedly un-1950's. After our 1950's lunch, we went to a fudge shop and got lots of free samples. Fudge is the type of thing people only eat while visiting quaint, small tourist towns.  We went to a candle and tea shop where a very gentlemanly and eloquent man wished us a good afternoon and talked with calm enthusiasm about all the goods he was selling. 

   Here are links to some of the artist highlights from the museum (and beyond).
  • Sue Roberts- She does amazing portraiture and illustrative ceramic sculptures. 
  • David Eisenhour- He does metal sculptures of small things in nature, but he enlarges them. So giant metal shells or giant seed pods. 
  • Shawn Nordfors- He makes giant wooden heads that are around four feet tall. They look really cool from the outside, but if you look in their eyes, there are small and beautiful dioramas. 
  • I also found the website for the artist who does the rock sculptures on the waterfront, his name is Ethan Currier.
  • I tried to find the artist who does the yellow frame waterfront art (the one's int he last pictures), but no luck. For now, it is a mystery! 

Koi Fish and a Good Book


Horace Cowers Behind the Tree when he Spots the Menacing Moth Hunters