Piano and Cake

(Abandoned Piano with the memory of one hundred different fingers and one hundred different songs still smudged like ink and ghosts on it's ivory keys)

  It is BBQ season! Well, at least in most parts of the country. In Seattle, it is gray and windy. But it is June, so we put on determined expressions and sally forth with the BBQ's. Yesterday I came up with a really good food invention for BBQ season: Cornbread Hot Dog Buns! As a (mostly) vegetarian, I have an easy time finding fake hot dogs, but not such an easy time finding fake corn dogs. They are not impossible to find, but there is really only one readily available brand and it is only okay. And I love corn dogs! With cornbread hot dog buns, I would get to experience the joy of a readily available and delicious corn dog. Also, meat eaters would be just as happy with cornbread hot dog buns. Imagine a delicious BBQed hot dog surrounded by fluffy cornbread bun.

(Abandoned cake, meant for someone special but left for the dogs and other scavengers to find and devour.)

Fairy Tales, Old and New.


Alexandra Travels the Countryside with her Collection of Masks, to the Great Delight of the Country-Dwelling Furry Creatures