Creatures Crossing Streets

    A day spent wandering the woods and along the shore is a good day indeed! Here are some photos I took recently while walking around a local park.

   I saw the coolest thing yesterday. I was in the car with David on an expedition to satiate our hunger with sandwiches. We got to an intersection when we saw something strange. A creature lumbering across the street. It was not a dog and not a cat. Usually when a mammal is spotted crossing a Seattle street and it is neither dog nor cat, it is a raccoon. But this creature was no raccoon. She was larger than a raccoon, wetter than a raccoon and browner then a raccoon. She was stout and walked with a waddle. And most noticeably she had a flat, paddle-like tail... a beaver tail! That's right, I saw a beaver crossing the street. It was awesome! 

Edna Knits a Cocoon for the Reluctant Caterpillar


Albert and Vera Listen to the Fox as he Tells Ghost Stories