Bones and Other Lost Memories of Our Home from a Long, Long Time Ago

  A couple of weeks ago there was a random and wonderful rainstorm on my day off. I know it makes me a grouch, but I do not like hot weather and am looking forward to the cool breezes of Autumn. There is still a lot I like about Summer- late sunsets, evenings outdoors (when the temperature has cooled a bit and the outdoor air feels glorious) and fruit salads to name a few. But when I look at the weather report and see day after day of temperatures in the high-eighties and sometimes even nineties, it makes me cringe! So the rainstorm was a joy!
   I spent the day at the Natural History Museum. I love going to museums on rainy days. I like escaping to a cozy spot where I can spend some time engulfed in the other world the museum offers. I like when I happen to walk past a window, hearing the rain outside, which makes the inside world seem all the more like a haven, and like it's own separate world.
  The last time I went to the Seattle Natural History Museum was several years ago right after I came back from D.C. This was a bad idea. I had just spent a week exploring the free museums at the National Mall, including the Smithsonian Natural History Museum which is an absolutely amazing museum. Boy was I disappointed by our little museum. The Smithsonian was still too fresh in my mind for me to fully appreciate the museum Seattle had to offer.  But during this visit, I really got to appreciate our Natural History Museum. It was fun looking at all the different natural specimens and dinosaur bones.

Here I am, hamming it up for the camera, pretending to fly in front of the bird wall.

Here are bones, birds, bugs, rocks and other interesting specimens:


The Wonderful Cormorant


Sunshine and Picture Books