Oxbow Park Part One: The Hat and The Boots

  A long time ago, a giant cowboy must have been roaming this part of the world. Being a cowboy is tiring work. He probably took off his hat and boots so he could get a good nights sleep. But the next thing he knows, the hat and boots are gone! What is a giant cowboy to do!? 

   Here is the real story about the giant hat and boots. Once there was a man named Buford Seals who had the vision and creativity to build a Texas themed gas station called Premium Tex. The 44 foot wide hat was the roof to the gas station office. The 22 feet tall boots were bathrooms. The Hat n' Boots were a hit! People were utterly charmed by the quirky gas station. According to Seattle legend, Elvis Presley himself visited the Hat n' Boots. But modern day convenience soon defeated the success of Hat n' Boots. Interstate 5 was built, and like a roaring monster it demolished the success of many mom and pop stops that use to thrive on tourists and other travelers. The interstate diverted traffic from the landmark. Soon, the giant cowboy paraphernalia was abandoned and left to decay. They were now only stoic reminders of a kitschy past. The only people who seemed to appreciate the Hat n' Boots were skateboarders, whose skateboarding shenanigans led to the rim of the hat to break. Those skateboarders may have been destructive, but they were also inventive. But it turned out it was not just excitement-seeking skateboarders who loved the Hat n' Boots. The community of Georgetown had love in their hearts for the relics. The residents of Georgetown gathered enough money to move the Hat n' Boots to Oxbow park, where they remain in their majestic glory.
  Burord Seals and his lady friend Bernice Townsend were not deterred by the failure of their original business. The two dreamers moved to San Diego where they opened a twenty four hour candy shop. The shop was very popular among surfers and pot smokers of San Diego. It offered 2000 different varieties of sweet treats.
  Bernice and Buford sound like a perfect match. They were both beautiful eccentrics. They loved to wear matching cowboy outfits. Bernice was a former acrobat for the circus so she was obviously accustomed to charming eccentrics and the creatively inclined. 

Information found:

"Hat 'n' Boots, Seattle, Washington." RoadsideAmerica.com. Roadside America, n.d. Web. 12 Aug. 2015.

Oxbow Park Part Two: The Garden


Here are the Secrets in the Land of Georgetown