The Food Chronicles of Thomas Fat Squirrel

   Living in a city that is bustling with nature like Seattle is fun, because one can indulge in backyard wildlife observation. I started observing Thomas Fat Squirrel shortly after I moved to my new apartment. It seemed like every time I glanced out the window, there was Thomas, eating something. Thomas has a great love for food, and some secret source for getting all sorts of delicious foods. My guess is his source is the dumpster, but I do wonder why people are throwing out some of this food that looks perfectly edible to human and squirrel alike. It is funny to witness a little squirrel trying to eat human food. But Thomas Fat Squirrel always managed to take on the endeavor with grace and gumption. While watching Thomas, I grew a real admiration for the little guy, and thus my photo project of chronicling his food consumption began!

Refined Thomas Enjoys A Chicken Dinner

Biscuit Time: Thomas is not Concerned about Carbs

Could this be a little morsel of fruit?...No, Thomas only likes unhealthy foods.

Thomas is not a vegetarian.

"Wheres the dip!?" Wonders Thomas Fat Squirrel.

  One day, I looked out the window at Thomas Fat Squirrels eating fence, and there was Thomas eating bacon. But hark!...Thomas Fat Squirrel wasn't alone. Near by was another squirrel, also munching on a strip of bacon. Had Thomas Fat Squirrel been two squirrels this entire time!? This other squirrel looked remarkably similar to Thomas (bright eyes, bushy tail, a round physique). Thomas had a little pal, which is how he earned his name: Lil' Pal.  But was Lil' Pal just an occasional eating companion? Or was he Thomas Fat Squirrels double, with his own voracious appetite, an appetite that led to Thomas Fat Squirrels unfair reputation of being a glutton?
  But a couple of weeks after spotting Lil' Pal, I noticed two more squirrels in the area... smaller squirrels. To steal a joke from David, it turns out Thomas Fat Squirrel was Thomasina Pregnant Squirrel this whole time! The mystery was solved, well at least to my satisfaction. Thomas was eating for three, and Lil' Pal was the papa!

Are You Leaving for the Country?


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