Squirrel Skirt

  I have a sewing machine! I've had sewing machines before, but they began their slow decline into uselessness and eventually I was left no way to sew except by hand. But now that I have a machine again, I am ready to start creating. The first thing I made with my new sewing machine is a squirrel skirt. Here it is!

I love any clothing choice that is at all animal themed. Squirrels are especially cute and charming little critters. I didn't make this alone though, I had help from my cats.

Here I am sporting my new skirt. I was going for the animal loving librarian-chic look. I am still thinking I may hem the skirt a little higher. It feels longer than skirts I am use to and I don't want to be weighed down by fabric. But there is a freedom in longer skirts. There is less concern about how you pick things up or tie your shoes.


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Blue Skies and Lonely Buildings