6 AM Pictures

One thing about starting work really early in the morning is that sometimes I find sad, strange, confusing and lonely things to take snap shots of. There are remnants of parties, destruction, and short lived joy. The people wandering around early in the morning are similar. Everyone is either in a sleepy haze or jittery with the remaining energy of the night before. Except for the many people who are awake so early because of poverty, or insanity, or addiction. No one is quite their true self's at 6 AM. The world is a sad and strange place early in the morning.

Here are a bunch of 6 AM pictures from various journey's to work.

Large, melting ice cubes.........................

What were they for? Keeping drinks cold in a cooler? Some sort of weird party game where you slide around a parking lot on giant ice cubes? Melting ice sculptures? They may have been something grand once, but when I encountered them, they were shrinking into puddles of water, soon to be evaporated back into the sky.

Deflated emoji balloon.......................

At one point, this balloon was swollen with helium, proudly bobbing above party goer's heads. But as the night wore down, it slowly drifted downward. Maybe someone accidentally kicked it outside as they stumbled away from the dying party. It the morning light, the balloon's crinkled in face just looks manic. It looks like it is desperately trying to hold on to the frantically giddy energy of the night as the bright morning sun rays beam down on it. 

A bunch of bottle caps spilling from a ripped plastic bag...................

Somewhere, there are a bunch of containers without lids. Whatever is held in the lidless containers is at a constant risk of tumbling out and spilling everywhere. Or maybe on another street there were a bunch of sad looking containers abandoned on the side of the road. 

An orange clown wig behind a barbed wire fence............

Was there some sort of crazed clown roaming the area overnight, then as the sun begins to rise, he sheds his oppressive clown accessories in order to blend in with the ordinary folks? Or maybe there was a clown who decided he was done with orange curly hair, he wanted purple, spiky hair? Or maybe, when it started to rain, the clown melted like the Wicked Witch of the West and the only thing that remained was his lone orange wig. 

Late Day Locks and Windstorm Wondering


Book Time!: Bathing the Lion by Jonathan Carroll