Book Review: Burn Town by Jennifer McMahon

Jennifer McMahon writes stories that fuse the magical with the reality in such a delightful and engaging way. All of her books that I have read have had mystery's at the center of the plot. When I heard she had a new book called Burn Town, I quickly put a hold on it at my library.

The main characters name is Necco, after the delicious wafer candy. Necco was born with a different name, she chose instead to go by Necco because of her love for the candy. As an avid fan of, and constant defender of Necco candies, I was glad to have this fictional alley rallying for my cause (that Neccos are delicious and not chalk disguised as candy. I can't believe how much Necco hate exists out there!)

But the main characters name wasn't the only thing I enjoyed about this book. The mystery had me hooked! When Necco was a young girl living with her parents and brother, a great flood separates the family from each other. The flood began right after Necco heard voices on a mysterious radio able to contact the dead. The flood kills Necco's father and brother, and Necco and her mother are left to fend for themselves. Not only is their house destroyed, their family gone and the fortunes non-existent, they are on the run from a man always following them. Necco and her mother live on the streets in order to not be tied to a place where the person out to get them can find them. 

When Necco grows up, she is still living on the streets, but she has fallen in love and has the companionship of her boyfriend who lives with her. Her world is forever altered when her boyfriend is murdered and Necco is the prime suspect! The action and mysterious twists and turns really pick up from here, but you will have to read the book to find out what they are.

This is the perfect book to read during a relaxing summer day. It has mystery, it has plot twists, it is hard to put down, and it has a satisfying ending. I definitely recommend Burn Town!


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