The Joy of Public Art

I love living in a city that embraces public art. Seattle is definitely very art friendly! For fellow Seattlites, here is a link to a public art map: Seattle Public Art Map.

There is a set of three murals in the downtown/ Pioneer Square area that I have always admired. Last time I was in this area, I took some pictures of the murals!

My favorite one is the picture of the mummy ghost and the star person. It is very strange and beautiful and seems like it has interesting stories.

Every city and town should have public art. It gives a place character, and it shows that your town values creativity and artistic vision. Public art isn't just for city's. The rural area (Humboldt county) I lived in before moving to Seattle had amazing displays of public art. We had permanent art like murals and non permanent public art like Pastels on the Plaza and The Kinetic Sculpture Race.

If you value public art in your community, the best way to show your support is to go look at it! But supporting any aspect of the art community will reinforce the community as a whole. Going to your town's art walk or your city's museum shows that the people in the place you live support art! I am glad to live in a place that supports public art- from the city sanctioned sculptures and murals, to weird sculptures made from junk in peoples front yard, to beautiful pieces of graffiti on the trains that rumble on the outskirts of the city. 

Annabelle in the Woods #11: The Night Bird Introduces Annabelle to the Star Folk


Befriending City Chickens