Anya is the Melancholy Oracle in the Center of the Woods

Here is an illustration I did recently. 

Anya was born with a gift to understand the future and to understand the soul. She lives in the middle of the woods where she waits for those seeking out wondrous truths. She has met people like no ordinary person could ever meet a person because she does not just meet the person, she meets their future and their soul.

She met a man once who would die on a moutain top.

She met a woman who would invent a cure for a rare but devestating disease.

She met someone who would talk a man off a bridge just before he was about to jump.

She met a girl who would grow up to save a drowning child.

She met you once, and saw you in the future, sitting in a meadow and looking up at a pale blue sky as the white birds soared in circles.

Ozzie at the Ocean


A Gray Day at Seahurst