Book Review: Eartha by Cathy Malkasian

I recently read the newest graphic novel by storyteller Cathy Malkasian. I have mentioned in previous posts other books by here: Percy Gloom and Temperance. Malkasians stories are beautifully illustrated and the tales themselves or strange, surreal and eerie. I love her work!

I was pretty excited when I heard she had another book available to read, and Eartha did not let me down. It is a story of a kind hearted woman living in Echo Fjord, which was once the the land of dreams. While people in the city slept, their dreams escaped to the fjord where they were tended to by Eartha and the other Fjord townsfolk.

The story has a fairy tale quality but it is definitely a story intended for adults. Even though it has a playful feel due to the beautiful whimsy infused in the illustrations and plot, it still makes some pretty though provoking comments on topics such as tyranny, the way information is disseminated and the often perverse way beauty standards are created culturally.

I really enjoyed this book and definitely recommend it. This is the perfect book for those who wonder if dreams are bigger than we understand and those who have a healthy desire to question uncompassionate authority. Also, I wish Earth was my friend. 

Sally and the Strange Castle


Ozzie at the Ocean